Taylor Steele Presents Mikala Jones

Taylor Steele Presents Mikala Jones | aquasport.tv

Influential surf filmmaker Taylor Steele travels home with Mikala Jones for a Hawaiian Thanksgiving reunion, to catch some waves at Rocky Point, and to share an intimate point of view from one of the world’s famous surfers.

Radiation City “Summer Is Not An Act 2”
Website: http://radiationcity.net
Buy: http://bit.ly/PSrJB9

Pablo Malaurie “El Miedo No”
Website: http://www.miniurl.com/s/2d1
Buy: http://www.miniurl.com/s/2d0

Blackbird Blackbird “Blind”
Website: http://blackbirdblackbird.com
Buy: http://www.miniurl.com/s/2d2

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107 responses to “Taylor Steele Presents Mikala Jones”

  1. GoPro, all of your videos give me so many mixed emotions, jealous, envied and happy at the same time. So beautiful…

  2. Great video! I’d Like to edit mine as well as yours… But I’m still learning to use my GoPro and final cut! Take a look to my videos on my channel (tommasocodolo), rate and comment them! I’ll be’ glad to learn more!! 100% GoPro shots!!

  3. Mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, and surfing have to be the greatest ways you can mellow and admire God’s nature.

  4. hey gopro! can you use the wifi remote out in the surf like in the shorebreak waves, would it work?? thanks

  5. what is the spinning device ontop of the gorilla pod used for the timelapse at 2:06? eggtimer?

  6. Great video! That’s a great looking life, family, & friends. I like Flynn’s neckbeard at 1:47

  7. damn.a healthy buffet with a fantastic view of the beach..my house on the other hand has this fantastic view of a dirty alley way…:(

  8. GoPro it would be a great help if use could start showing the mounts used in all your videos in the description. Thank you!

  9. I’ve really got to hit the waves more often… amazing! I’ve already lost a gopro to the waves though haha

  10. best part of video, im gonna eat and then surf and then eat and then surf and then eat and then surf.

  11. Please could you tell where you got the rotating motorized mount used to get the 360 degree table shot?

  12. This video is in color correction and it is the quality that one out Go Pro HD? thanks
    P.S. Congratulations to video

  13. GoPro can you let us know what shooting mode it was shot in also? like 720 120 fps or 1080 60fps? thanks duders

  14. Just open up the “show more” section under the heading and look for yourself.
    There are three mentioned.

  15. how would you use the gopro as a handheld when your paddling and popping up? wouldnt it be annoying for it to be in your hand?

  16. This bloke has got it made! Bali + Rocky Point year in year out, can life be any better?
    He probably has an Indonesian citizenship since his wife is Indonesian, way to connect the two top tier locales in the surfing world! While the rest of the world needs to work…

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