Armintza | Surfing and Bodyboarding in the Port – ESTV Euskadi Surf TV

vbp 22401 Armintza Surfing and Bodyboarding in the Port 8211 ESTV Euskadi Surf TV

Surfing and Bodyboarding in the port of Armintza. Armintza is a coastal neighborhood in the municipality of Lemoiz in Biscay. It features a picturesque fishing port.

Small fishing district of the municipality of Lemoiz, a charming place where there are some curious waves. On middle swell days there is a breaking right in an area of cliffs and only at medium tide. Access must be made by paddling from the small fishing port of the town. On large swell days, there is an A-frame wave at the entrance of the port canal somewhat complicated to catch and where maritime support is needed. These great days when the sea is out of date, the port hosts a wave at the beginning of the dam and breaks parallel to it. It is a soft right ideal for the little ones.


Lemoiz udalerriko marinel-auzo txikia dugu Armintza. Izen bereko hondartza benetan xarmangarria da, eta bertan olatu bitxiak dira nagusi. Hondoko itsaso ertaina dagoen egunetan, itsaslabarren gunean, eskuineko olatu bat altxatzen da. Hara iristeko arrantza-portutik arraun egin beharko dugu. Bestalde, hondoko itsaso handia dagoenean A-frame motako olatu bat altxatzen da. Olatu hori hartzea ez da erraza, eta surflariak olatura heltzeko laguntza behar izaten du. Itsaso nahasiko egunetan, halaber, kai-muturrean eskuineko olatu bigun bat -umeentzako bikaina- lehertzen da.


Session de Surf et de Bodyboard ‘ Armintza, petit quartier de péche de la commune de Lemoiz, un endroit plein de charme o’ se succ’des vagues des plus curieuses. Les jours de swell moyen, il y a une droite qui déferle dans une zone de falaises et seulement ‘ marée moyenne. On and accéde en ramant du petit port de péche de la commune. Les jours de grand swell, il y a une vague type A-frame ‘ l’entrée du canal du port, un peu compliquée ‘ prendre et avec de l’aide maritime. Ces grands jours o’ la mer est démontée, le port accueille une vague au début de la digue et elle y déferle en paralléle. Il s’agit d’une droite douce idéale pour les plus petits.


Armintza a small fishing village in the municipality of Lemoiz which has a lot of charm and some very peculiar waves. On days when there is a medium swell there is a right-hander that breaks near the cliffs and only at mid – tide. The only way to reach it is to paddle out from the small fishing port. When there is a big swell, there is a slightly complicated A-frame wave at the entrance to the channel of the port for which back-up at sea is needed. On big days when there is a very heavy sea, a wave is formed at the beginning of the dock and breaks parallel to it. It is a soft right-hander ideal for children. reportage HD – Euskadi Surf TV – 20 Aout 2016

Bilbao Surf TV | Euskal web Telebista – The web TV of the glisse au Pays Basque
© Basque Surfing TV / ©TV Quiberon 24/7 ®

Armintza |  Surfing and Bodyboarding in the Port - ESTV Euskadi Surf TV
Armintza | Surfing and Bodyboarding in the Port – ESTV Euskadi Surf TV

Surfing and Bodyboarding in the port of Armintza. Armintza is a coastal neighborhood in the municipality of Lemoiz in Biscay. It features a picturesque fishing port. Small fishing district of the municipality of Lemoiz, a charming place where there are some curious waves. On middle swell days there is a breaking right in an area of cliffs and only at medium tide. Access must be made by paddling from the small fishing port of the town. On large swell days, there is an A-frame wave at the entrance of the port canal somewhat complicated to catch and where maritime support is needed. These great days when the sea is out of date, the port hosts a wave at the beginning of the dam and breaks parallel to it. It is a soft right ideal for the little ones. ——– Lemoiz udalerriko marinel-auzo txikia dugu Armintza. Izen bereko hondartza benetan xarmangarria da, eta bertan olatu bitxiak dira nagusi. Hondoko itsaso ertaina dagoen egunetan, itsaslabarren gunean, eskuineko olatu bat altxatzen da. Hara iristeko arrantza-portutik arraun egin beharko dugu. Bestalde, hondoko itsaso handia dagoenean A-frame motako olatu bat altxatzen da. Olatu hori hartzea ez da erraza, eta surflariak olatura heltzeko laguntza behar izaten du. Itsaso nahasiko egunetan, halaber, kai-muturrean eskuineko olatu bigun bat -umeentzako bikaina- lehertzen da. ———- Session de Surf et de Bodyboard ' Armintza, petit quartier de péche de la commune de Lemoiz, un endroit plein de charme o' se succ'des vagues des plus curieuses. Les jours de swell moyen, il y a une droite qui déferle dans une zone de falaises et seulement ' marée moyenne. On and accéde en ramant du petit port de péche de la commune. Les jours de grand swell, il y a une vague type A-frame ' l'entrée du canal du port, un peu compliquée ' prendre et avec de l'aide maritime. Ces grands jours o' la mer est démontée, le port accueille une vague au début de la digue et elle y déferle en paralléle. Il s'agit d'une droite douce idéale pour les plus petits. ——— Armintza a small fishing village in the municipality of Lemoiz which has a lot of charm and some very peculiar waves. On days when there is a medium swell there is a right-hander that breaks near the cliffs and only at mid – tide. The only way to reach it is to paddle out from the small fishing port. When there is a big swell, there is a slightly complicated A-frame wave at the entrance to the channel of the port for which back-up at sea is needed. On big days when there is a very heavy sea, a wave is formed at the beginning of the dock and breaks parallel to it. It is a soft right-hander ideal for children. reportage HD – Euskadi Surf TV – 20 Aout 2016 Bilbao Surf TV | Euskal web Telebista – The web TV of the glisse au Pays Basque © Basque Surfing TV / ©TV Quiberon 24/7 ®

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